Correspondence from Martha Küntzel to Aleister Crowley







4th June 1928.



Dear and revered Great Brother and beloved Master,




That one line to Gebhardi [Otto Gebhardi] has overwhelmed us both and I want to thank you also with all my heart for it.


We are very glad that you have turned your back on Paris and are on your way to Egypt. This implicit trust in the Gods can but let us do the same and go on working in the fullest confidence of coming success, though we two may not see it anymore in this body; but the next time! Meanwhile we will work with all our might, so that all that is necessary for the Initiation of the German speaking nations may be ready, when it will be needed.


We are just now at the Chapter of the Talismans. Really, these books ought to be talismans too for the intense wish for their success that accompanies every page and the great love which works at them.


I wrote at once to Hopfer [Oskar Hopfer] and am sure he will set to work at once. You may remember that I translated "John St. John" some months ago; I have given the Ms., as a loan, to several persons who give me the impressions of being really in earnest about the G[reat] W[ork], for instance that Herr Willems in Cologne. Now he writes begging me to tell you, how thankful he is that you have given all this to our instruction. Every one, especially Hopfer, has written to say, that they lave learnt more than they thought possible from it. It is only a pity that there are so few who really take the trouble to go into it with their whole mind; there is always that nauseating fear for their little selves.


When I awoke in the morning after I got your letter I knew the mystery of the sacrificing of a male child. It is the sacrifice of oneself, spiritually. And the intelligence and innocence of that male child are the perfect understanding of the Magician and his own one aim without lust of result. And male he must be, because what he sacrifices is not the material blood, but his creative power.


Is a little bit of this right?


With my very best wished for you and the S[carlet] W[oman].


93     93/93.


I am ever your grateful little sister




P.S. Where must one look for this most lovely Oasis? I can't find it anywhere on the map.


