Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




c/o Bankers Trust.




27 July 28







Glad of your letter of July 9. Arrangements have been made for K [Kasimira Bass] and me to be able to live without worry for the rest of this year. This has been done almost entirely through the miraculous efforts of one man [Karl Germer]—who has been sending over 100 dollars a month out of a salary of 45 dollars a week.


Now money is wanted more than ever; for we are now free of debt, free of anxiety, and ready to start a big publication campaign. This, if properly done, should put us absolutely on the map. Part III of Bk 4 [Magick in Theory and Practice] will be the one classic of Magick; we shall get lots of people to come along with loads of cash, and be able to take the critical step of getting the Island, and save the wreckage of the present civilization.


In the mean while, note this well. I have a man who may become the R[ich] M[an from the] W[est] at any moment. We must confirm and increase his confidence. The essential point just now is to pour every cent available into the Publication Fund. It will all be repaid by foundation shares in the parent Company now being formed. So if you have to sell your car and live on sandwiches for a year, don't hesitate. It should help you enormously, by demonstrating your sincerity, earnestness etc. Be a fanatic, and fools will follow you. (The other man sold his house, relalized his prospects of inheritance, etc. Now, three years later, he is getting it all back thick and threefold!) A year will certainly see us on Easy Street, if every one goes all out now. Send all cash to G. J. Yorke Esq, 9 Mansfield Str., Cavendish Sq. W.1. He has started a bank account for this job. We can already guarantee 6% interest on any loan of 10,000 dollars. But this 6% is merely the safeguard: if we win, we can pay up to 25%. So put this over quick!


Love to the two sisters! Why should you think I would mind? I haven't got to work overtime!


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P.S. I have someone in view over here who would put up the first 10,000 dollars right away, if there was a little good encouragement: i.e. fair sums coming into the Publication Fund all the time, and prospects of a fellow-lender at your end. This fact will help you to persuade somebody.




