Correspondence from Martha Küntzel to Aleister Crowley
1st August [19]28.
Dear and revered Great Brother and beloved Master,
There is joy in my heart. I saw no way to further the Great Work in Germany by preparing people for your coming, and to-day I was told by one of the members of the I.T.V. who came from their Summer-school and stayed with us for a day, that they have again been told to prepare themselves for the coming of the World-teacher. Ever and again H. R. [Herman Rudolph] impressed it on their mind that it is their "Will" that helps them to get on, etc. I am perfectly sure that he reads your books and cannot help seeing that he has been a threefold ass,—though I am just as sure that he would be far from owning it.
But as there have been about 120 people at their meeting I see my way now, and shall try once more and address the different societies, telling them of your coming and that there is an opportunity for everyone given to form his or her own judgment by meeting you. They are still at Berka, where the Summer-school is being held, but leave at the end of next week. Then my time has come. I am sure, that curiosity may be their chief stimulus, but that does not matter; the chief thing is that this bad spell of their being kept apart will be broken.
One of H.R.'s so-called great friends told me months ago when I talked to her and explained things, that H.R. had said something like that the other day and that she felt sure he would read the books and bring the ideas given as if they were his own. "So much the better"? I said, "he could not do anything more useful than that, for himself as well as for the others."
So, full of joy, I send my warmest love, with Gebhardi's [Otto Gebhardi] expression of deepest reverence and am ever
Your grateful little sister
93 93/93
I. W. E.
[Crowley has passed this letter on to Gerald Yorke with the following remarks:] H.R. = Herman Rudolph, boss of most of the Toshophists in Germany He is of the namby-pamby school of Yoga. I would go to Germany on receiving invitations from 3 important people ([I Ching] Hexagram V Moon of Lingham). I am writing I.W.E. to this effect. I have to wait anyhow, as I shall need a new outfit to be presentable. I think L. de G.S. [Lance Sieveking] will back you also to the limit. He writes "I have seen a publisher". Which means what? He says he wants to see you: I told him you'd be back Aug 18. I got his birth hour right, that gives me great confidence that I have understood the man.