Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Hotel De Lameije Hautes Alpes, France.
13 Aug [1928]
C∴F∴ V∴I∴
I wrote you Saturday: letter couldn't go for varied Alpine reasons: prefer to rewrite it concisely.
Yours of Aug 2. Just too late to avoid a mess—unless my telegram worked.
I closed my account with Lloyd's before leaving.
I expected 3 sums paid to Bankers Trust Paris before Aug 14.
$120 from Germer [Karl Germer] 900 fr[ancs] from you £10 from your bank.
If none of these turned up, it left me with 900 odd francs in the bank, and 1000 in my pocket. I had to pay a bill of 1200 odd for my week at La Graves. So I drew 1500 on Paris. Then your letter came! I wrote Lloyds to send the £10 on to Paris, but perhaps too late.
We are now living within our income at last! (K. [Kasimira Bass] cannot contribute anything at present, but will probably put up one of these $10,000 dollar bets in ? September.)
I do not want any increase on this income; so have told everyone to send anything to you direct.
The only expense now required is to renew my wardrobe. (I have only one presentable suit, very thin, and much too big for me now, thank God! and no overcoat.) This and any missionary journeys must be paid for by a special grant ad hoc. So I told Germany they must put up 4-5000 marks if they wanted me.
I have a strong feeling that Sieveking [Lance Sieveking] will help. If he will take one 2000 in the Syndicate I feel sure it will decide K. to take another.
All monies are going to be handled by you, and expended as your business judgment dictates.
Should you want to wire me, it would save a day to address
Grand Hotel Grenoble.
We are evidently stuck in the near neighbourhood until a largish sum comes in, either through you or to K.
Jane Wolfe has the synopses of Mortaldello, and is very hopeful of selling it for the talking screen, which is the next craze.
Thanks about K's kids. K Jun is a Pole. She will write you shortly with details.
I was out on the Alp 10 hours on Friday, and not too tired. Yesterday I got K. about 1200 feet up the slopes here to the snow line!
Remember "Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice] on Sept 21 at the worst.
93 93/93.