Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Grand Hotel Lombard, Hautes Alpes, France.
23 Aug 1928
C∴F∴ V∴I∴
A long letter from Germer [Karl Germer] this a.m. He hedges with all sorts of pessimistic self-reproaches and complainings; but Cora Eaton will put up $5,000.00 at least when she gets back from her holiday—I suppose about end Sept.
The one genuine obstacle is the question of prudence. They fail to realize that you are a business man, and that I shall leave the whole management of the affair in your hands. I have reassured Germer on these points; but you might do the same, and chinch it.
The question now arises, whether, other sources failing, we should not go ahead with preparations in Paris for the possible German tour. (I'm sending you Germer's by this mail.) I should like to be ready to start by Oct 1, in case the invitation arrived, and not have to wait for tailors etc.
It is, as I said, purely a matter for your business judgment.
If you think it right to trust the Gods to that extent, wire me here on receipt of this, and transfer £200 to Paris. I would then travel straight up and get to work. But if you have the least doubt or fear—don't do it!
Foreman [N. J. N. Foreman].
A grouchy letter again. All we want from him at the most is his help in the Pickfords business. (Much better to keep strictly off all other subjects.) I'm not sure either that this help amounts to much. Bayley's does.
Publicity. J.C. Squire
of London
K [Kasimira Bass] sends her love. K jun is on holiday, and doesn't write. But has been asked for details. Joan's future depends on K[asimira]'s affairs, which hang fire at present. I hope we can arrange all these small matters before the Equinox, and start everything right from that date: direct creative effort as opposed to cleaning house.
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