Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Sept 12 [1928]
C∴F∴ V∴I∴
It was your true Will, repeatedly expressed, to get Book 4 Pt III [Magick in Theory and Practice] in the press by Sept 23.
(You went through the MS most careful and removed all possible causes of offense—which makes it hard to understand your volte-face.) As your Guru, I am bound to see that you keep your Oath.
In the circumstances, it will be best if you transfer the £190 to Paris, and send me the MSS (Press copy), also K's [Kasimira Bass] bill endorsed over to me.
But I hope you will come over for this week-end, and clear your mind of these new sudden illusions.
93 93/93
Enclosed was telegram from Germer [Karl Germer] to A.C. reading "Cora [Cora Eaton] mailing Yorke Thousand dollars Thursday. Love, Saturnus".
On the telegram form A.C. has written to Gerald Yorke:
"Please have this transferred at once and I will put the machine in motion.
N.B. The day you wrote your
P.S. I have private information about Home Office. They could do nothing, but would naturally love to bluff us out of the game. Poor fish!