Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




55 [Avenue de Suffren,]

[Paris, VIII]



die [Tuesday] [Undated: circa early October 1928]








To confirm my wire of 2 P.M.


"Come this Saturday. Situation improved. Bring pudding".


Pudding connotes Cheshire Cheese, but it is to be extended to include my watch, if it is ready.


K [Kasimira Bass] had a terrible set of crises de nerfs but recovered on Foreman's [N. J. N. Foreman] departure. I hope Regardie [Israel Regardie] won't upset her too much. I thought it best for you to come this Saturday to clinch the contract business; also to assess Regardie.


We have an appointment at 3 P.M. Saturday here with Clifford V. Church [Crowley's Lawyer] of 35 Boulevard Haussman. He is studying the draft contract, and will advise. Please write him to confirm this appointment.


The new page for Magick [Magick in Theory and Practice] is very much better and cleaner.


93     93/93.






Thanks for incense just recvd,




