Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer
23 November 1928.
Care Frater Saturnus:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A note on salesmanship. You should try to sell this novel to a publisher as being a realistic account by me, and not by any other person, of the intimate details of the magick of the secret orders. It will strike anyone to whom you show it that the manuscript is highly libellous, but you can explain that this is an asset and not a liability; the people chiefly libelled are dead, and that in view of all the facts within my knowledge it is a thousand to one against any of the survivors coming into court to wash their dirty linen in public. If they did so, at the worst they can only collect nominal damages and in the meanwhile the book will have received a huge advertisement. The book should be offered preferably to a firm which would like scandal.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
P.S. We want lists of addresses of people interested in Magick and Occultism. These can be bought. For instance there is the Occult Press in Jamaica, N.Y., but we want to but lists from various sources as in case the publication arrangements for Magic [Magick in Theory and Practice] break down we may have to circularize people by the time the book comes from the press.
Let me emphasize that it is most important that the whole balance of the loan arrives by the end of the year. Everything is very favourable at present and the one thing that can upset us would be to held up for lack of money as we were last week.
Would you mind sending me a price list from a furnisher of Masonic jewels, such as McCoy? What I really want is a model of what is called a Delta ring.