Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




55 Avenue Suffren



23 Nov 28



I have been elected a member of the Caledonian Society. Can you possibly get over (with your glad rags) for the banquet on Friday night? Your presence might be extremely helpful. I think about the best course that I can possibly take in the present circumstances is to be seen about with some of the good English crowd in Paris. The thing that made the Sunday Express trouble possible was the fact of my always having led such a solitary life. I was personally known to so very few people. It is partly my shyness, and partly my feeling that social intercourse is a waste of time. But now that it can serve the Great Work I shall overcome my reluctance.


P.S. Reception going very strong—phenomena.


P.P.S. Reception is at 7 and dinner at 7.30 p.m. Dance to follow.


P.P.P.S. . . . If Ogden[1] [C. K. Ogden] fails us I shall send "Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice] to a Paris printer getting it out in six parts and I should like to do this by the time of your visit. So try to get in touch with Ogden before you come over. That is the one great issue.



1—[C. K. Ogden was connected with Kegan Paul at the time. (G.J. Yorke)]


