Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




55 Avenue de Suffren,

Paris, VII



December 11th, 1928.



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thanks for your letter of the 10th. I am so glad the picture looks all right. It might have looked even better had it been better painted.


I think the storage charges of Pickfords at least ought to have been stopped pending negotiations. However, you do your best. Pyke has no authority to pay any money to Mrs. Walker, who, spontaneously, offered to pay the whole arbitration charges, and ought to be made to do so. But the original Yi symbol was the "Weak Beam" and I shall know what to think of it the next time it turns up, which I hope it won't.


I enclose the note which you request; also the other note.


You business men are so accurate that you give me a pain in the old, old place. I date the note September 9th as you request, but in the full conviction that you mean December 9th. You business men!!


It is not exactly my view that the flat is too expensive. It is that we could get a much more suitable place for rather less. Now that we have got that pill around we can have an honest-to-goodness studio where we can have a circle, and do honest-to-goodness dances.


I expect to hear this afternoon about "Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice]. I think everything can be put through if you write and explain the whole situation to Miss Eaton [Cora Eaton].


I have really very good hopes of Mrs. Corey. We seemed to take to each other at once. I think it is about a thousand years since she met a straight and simple man who could talk to her real self. She has been accustomed to all these syphilitic Archdukes. She spontaneously remarked that I ought to be financed. I replied that I was in no need of money, but wanted a chaperone. About the best solution possible is a person with some social connections who will run about doing our business in the way that I originally wanted Kasimira [Kasimira Bass] to do.


With my remarkable powers of negotiation, I think I can probably fix up everything here including the printing of "Magick", provided that the $3000.00 comes from America before the end of the year. Next time you invoke Thoth, you might send a Bud-will to Cora.


Astarte gives you here kindest regards, and Madame sends you a kiss.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,




P.S. Many happy returns of the day.


P.P.S. The chess-board went to London with me. Spring X.O.P.: it returned with both of them gone.



AC / ir [Israel Regardie]



Gerald Yorke, Esq.,

9, Mansfield Street,

London, W. 1.


