Correspondence from Martha Küntzel to Aleister Crowley







31st Dec. [19]28.



Dear and revered Great Brother,




I am amazed at the long time that has passed between my last letter to you and this one, and I most sincerely hope that you have been far too busy to be aware of it. I fact is that Yuletime with its so-called Xmas requires some attention to those to whom it is still dear as a time when they may by right expect some Xmas-box. As I am lucky—or unlucky—enough to be born on the day of the rising sun, there are some more duties given in receiving presents, letters and guests. I was so tired after these days that I simply did nothing for a while but feed and rest this old body.


I don't know whether Grosche [Eugen Grosche] did send you the second Saturn-Gnosis as he wrote me he was going to do, and I wonder whether you ever had time to look at the mathematical problem that Grau [Albin Grau] gave in the first copy. It was, as Grau told me, a mathematical glyph that Grau had found and that even you did not know. But that's because Grau is a "Metamathematician"! Now I sent this copy to my brother and perhaps it interests you to hear what he has to say. He writes: The author of the article about the first cause of the universe, in which he works with the Phythagoram, shows a deplorable want of knowledge; he writes: "The sides of the Skaleni are thus as 3 : 4 : 5"! and on this wonderful "fact" he builds up his arguments. In reality the sides in the Skalenus are as 1 : 2 : 3 = 1 : 2 : 1, 732. . . . And then he expects anyone to be impressed with the profoundness of his logic."


In answer to my letter to Grosche in which I cancelled your permission of publishing the Mss, I had sent, he first of all says that he did not get any Mss. and ends by using very impudent expressions, which however, he wants to be considered as "inofficial"! Just as he will regard mine as "inofficial". What on earth have I to do officially with him or his lodge or his society? The scandal that I wrote you about has been hushed "officially:; I must use this word here, as on account of the oath of silence of the members of the society they could not find much, but Grau tells me that he gave that powder himself and as he did it privately it was his own business and nobody had to interfere. The Esoteric Society had nothing to do with it. Quite tight, only that he is the head of that society and carried that powder with him in his pocket, so that he could hand it to those people in a restaurant. According to my idea the head of such a society is the representative of the principle, or ought to be. There have been photographs in the newspapers of Müller when he magnetizes his mediums in trance, and when they awake they declare to be mentally quite fresh again. They are making the ordinary Hokuspokus for money, and the upper then thousand rush there to have their excitement.


From the Magical Letters I can only quote to-day from what I got here, but I have the one about sexual magic sent to me. The first letter contains form-symbolism and is quite nice and alright bar the last 2-3 pages. The Chela is taught the experiment of concentrating on the manifestation of the beings connected with the symbols. He is warned that he will be sure to attract beings of the lower astral plane, most of which are in the sexual sphere. In order to spare himself he is advised to make the experiment with a medium, leaving the protecting circle away to be able to study the effect on the bodily organism of the medium. To do this well, he was to see that the position of the medium was the reverse of his, when he did it himself, that is facing north, because this position makes it easy for the strange being to attack the medium, as by this position the intellectual capacity of the medium is greatly hindered, and the limit that separates subconsciousness from the waking state is not strongly accentuated." You will see that the results remind very much of vampirism, for the medium suffers always either from a sever physical odic (I don't know if this word is right) weakening. You yourself take care to protect yourself in all these experiments, as was said before, by pentagram and talisman. In the interest of the medium I advise you to repeat these experiments not too often; for the beings attracted, that live all these centuries on the sexual odic fluid of the mediums rarely give up their influence once gained."


From the next volume "Dividing Magic".

"In all your practises remember that you are Atma, and your will therefore divine and almighty! Don't forget however the relentless law of causality to which you must adapt yourself in conscious rhythm. Thus in all your practices of dividing magic think of the reaction of your emanations of force! It is only then that you change the divine force from good to bad—from black to white! By this dividing magic you are able to influence people in a higher degree. They must serve you. But you can also to a certain degree enter the higher planes and attain the knowledge of deepest wisdom." . . . "There are two modes of the application of dividing magic:


1. Dividing to influence your fellow-men on the physical plane.


2. Dividing to influence the astral plane in order to attain higher knowledge and the mastery of spiritual beings!


ad 1. Distinguish the dividing of your astral body, effective in both cases. And the dividing of the astral-bodies of others,—of mediums trained by yourself! Also for both cases.


The latter is the real dividing magic."


"You get the key of a power nearly unbounded in the human sense. Use it only when you feel ripe to master the consequences—when by interfering with the karma of others you know yourself in harmony with the cosmic laws!"


"How to master the dreams of others. Instruction given; then: "Thus you can guide the adventures in dream of others, and can get influence also on the body. You can calm the psychic life of others or excite it, give them health or illness. So you have in this practice a good preparation for the dividing magic, for you bind the psyche of the other one to your self." . . . "Now I will speak of the preparing of your medium. Choose for it a person healthy in body and mind." . . . "You see that the person must become wholly absorbed in you, if you want to rule him with your spiritual power, and especially, if you want to always keep the mastery and power over his astral body. Therefore it is good, in case of a woman with whom you will make your experiments, to make her your sexual slave, especially if she is still intact." . . . "The medium may act only according to your order and not with her own or her subconscious will." . . . "Thus you are able, by help of your medium, to get knowledge about the activity of certain persons." . . . "You can order changements to be made and things to be done in other places, you can also gain possession of material things that you are in need of, or can have them brought to other places, if you wish it. There is no limit for you except that which is in your own power." . . .


"As soon as you can be certain that the medium is a perfectly reliable instrument of your power, you can begin the last, that is, you send that astral body to other planes to make knowledge, connections and inépuisible (there is no English word for it) forces ready to serve you."


"All these powers you can get only with our will, and they can be taken from you, as from anybody else, if they are misused. Never try by dividing magic to get knowledge of our secret brotherhood or of me, your Guru. You would expose yourself to severe consequences that would be irremediable. Your memory and your abilities would be[?] and would have to be taken from you for a long time."

These last words that can be read are characteristic: I can do no more to-day.


I must leave the answering of a few more points of your letter to be accomplished in the new year, for which I can only repeat what I have every day in my mind: Result of the Great Work! There is nothing better I could wish for you—and for us! Gebhardi [Otto Gebhardi] is getting a little fresher these days. He has given up his antipathy against alcohol, that arose when he saw his father die in delirium tremens. And lo and behold! He likes it and it strengthens him. He wants me to express his deepest reverence to you and with warmest love and hearty new-years greetings, I am ever,


Your loyal little sister


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