Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
c/o Bankers Trust Co. Paris.
19 Jan 29.
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for your long and very informative letter of the 18th. I don't think you can say I was definitely mistaken about [Kasimira Bass], nor were we bothering her in any way. On the contrary, we were offering to help her. It was she that mischief, by starting to act queerly.
I did not suggest that you should undertake any practices for which you have no inclination or aptitude. I only said that sometimes women were so idiotic that one wished one had.
I am afraid there is no chance of getting a copy of the B-i-M [Bagh-i-Muattar] for you.
Mrs. Reynolds [Rosa Reynolds] is obviously a mischievous old hag. She certainly did influence Kasimira for harm, and though I do not know, I bet Kasimira is pretty sick about it now. Nobody would have bothered about the cheque. She could have renewed it for as long as she liked. What annoyed, was her undertaking all sorts of criminal intrigues; apparently under a quite insane fear that something quite terrible was going to happen to her unless she succeeded in covering her traces with the police!
You ought really to have more sense than to give any advice to people afflicted with fits, except to go and see a doctor on the subject. Otherwise, if you say that you think a little walk will do them good, they go out round the block, catch cold, neglect it, die of pneumonia, and leave you to foot the bill and the blame.
The same applies to Eylalie [?]. You are perhaps unfortunate in not knowing Madame la Duchesse Blanche la Grande, who bore twins to the Prince of Wales, and was blown up with a bi-cycle pump by her first husband, I am not sure, with the result that she got partial paralysis. I am not raking people like that for disciples.
What on earth makes you imagine that the people of California are not a bunch of savages?
You should not exactly refuse to look after people of the kind of Ericson, but there are ways of getting rid of them, and it is simply no good wasting time on this sort of business.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally