Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris, VII
February 25th, 1929
Care Frater:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Still in bed, but hope to be up tomorrow or next day. The rest has done me a lot of good, and cleaned out a lot of the poisons. But of course, I am pretty weak.
The appendices [to Magick in Theory and Practice] arrived just in time for us to rush them round to Holroyd Reece before he leaves for America tomorrow.
I had a long letter from Aumont [Gerard Aumont], enclosing certificates of his noble conduct as a journalist. I am going to do my utmost to get him a good job when he arrives in Paris.
He will have to go to Tunis to get various papers, in any case, and he has revived an old proposal of his to come back via Italy, making a regular journalistic inquiry at Cefalù as to the real cause of the trouble there. He is exactly the man for the job. I think it most important that this matter should be cleared up, as it is the only thing that the enemy can use against us.
He arrives in Paris, Friday, March 22nd. We hope before then to have got a 'pavillon' somewhere in the suburbs.*
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
* This plan involves of course some new finance. To change one's H.Q. always needs cash in advance. And we do want to change! Do a miracle, please. 666.