Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




Die Veneris [Friday]

[Undated: circa March 1929]



C[are] F[rater]




Miracles now happening daily.


Sending you 1000 fr[ancs] on Tuesday. Please let De M. [Maria de Miramar] have the little things she needs, or that please her. Do feel yourself appointed to look after her, to see that she is as happy as possible. Don't let her see that you are downcast. Take her to places of amusement—if there are any in that rotten town!


(I think I should try Gand-Ghent—or Bruges. Cheaper and more interesting. Or perhaps a small fishing village—The sea is a great tonic—at times!) But—I bet you a sou you're back in Paris by the 15th at latest.


Can't give you all details; am fearfully busy. Still pretty sick, too—the least effort knocks me out. "Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice] should be ready 1st part by end of next week. The one trouble is Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] cowardice. I fear he'll have to go through a nice little hell if he's to become a Magician.


So you keep your tail up.


It's been absolutely bloody awful for me here, needing to be looked after and to get letters done and calls made etc etc etc.


Very good for me: I have seen once more the Salvation of the Lord!


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