Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




55 [Avenue de Suffren, Paris VII]



die [Monday]

[Undated: circa March 1929]







I am holding the fort.


The job is to get out Part 1 of "Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice] as near as possible on the date arranged.


We should have at least the page proofs—and the galleys were not so bad.


This is my busy week—


I have.


Tuesday to see my specialist about this operation: to see Mr Paul Boncour about the rèfus de séjour—


Wednesday to see Cope [Stuart R. Cope of the Lecram Press] with the new proofs. To receive Astarte and M. Lenin (Scotland Yard please note!)


Thursday to attend the Banquet of the Chess Club (I shall probably cut this, if I have to be cut myself!)


Friday to attend to the Full and Particular Enquiry of the Anglo-American Press Association into the whole show.


Saturday to receive you as an exalted guest in mine inhospitable mansion. Also, probably, Aumont [Gerard Aumont].


Please bring with you, with the utmost care, Hunt's [Carl de Vidal Hunt] original blackmail letter to you. He can hardly deny its [illegible], but we may as well have it in reserve. If we push this matter well through now, we can be clear for the rest of our lives from all this damned nonsense. There will certainly be a show-down of one sort or another, and it will be easy for us to show that our hands are clean, and our detractors mediaeval lunatics.


93     93/93


Till Saturday a.m. then


Yours fraternally




