Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith Aleister Crowley




18 Mar 29



Care Frater




Have not got much out of R. [Rosa Reynolds] after a couple of calls. . . . The copy of the letter you sent me she declares is none of her writing. I can't help thinking she is telling the truth. She says that it contains something she has written, but swears she did not write such a letter.


Got a cable from Yorke [Gerald Yorke] Saturday night[1] and cabled him £40 Monday morning. The best I could russel up. Tried to borrow a couple of hundred dollars but was unsuccessful.


Say, listen old boy, how can a fellow look like a banker that came over in the Mayflower with 1.85 dollar shirts and 1 dollar ties, 23 dollar suits etc and most of the time eating in 3rd rate restaurants and living in a 10 by 10 bedroom in a bum quarter of the town. However despite impressions you may have gathered I have white teeth and nails and my collars are clean.


The trouble with me is deeper a soul quality. . . . No but though I don't know what it is I am nevertheless in a blind way trying to correct it. All my life I have always traveled very much alone and had but the fewest of friends. Jane [Jane Wolfe] may be right about the Cockie part, however. . . .


Well I'd better end or otherwise you will be calling this another Manuscript. Kindly remember however, we are not all born with your ability; for instance to sum up in 7 words Knowledge. "Knowledge is experience made conscious of itself" in case you have forgotten what you have written.


Let's hope Magic [Magick in Theory and Practice] will get out by the Equinox and that a new Word [of the Equinox] starts a new current.


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1—It read: "Therion being deported France. Send money if possible".—Gerald Yorke.


