Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith




c/o Bankers Trust.




1 Apr 29







A compliment to begin with! You are the only person whose letters I cannot answer off-hand: they make me think. Hence the delay.


1. I quite forget how your name came up—if it did? ?—in the Shoecraft correspondence.[1] Hope no harm done, anyhow.


2. The forged letter was in ink. I don't know Mrs R's [Rosa Reynolds] handwriting well enough to swear to, but there was enough general resemblance to my vague memory of letters of hers to make me quite sure—unsuspicious. But the letter looked like a fair copy carefully written from a draft. This matter must be followed up.


3. I quite understand about contributions. If only 'Magick' [Magick in Theory and Practice] goes with a bang, we'll be able to return everything, and you can look like that Banker!


4. I do not want K. [Kasimira Bass] for revenge, but to get her to be her own decent self again. Otherwise I should have her arrested.


5. The situation here is going strong. The Gods have come into the game with a smashing blow. All is cleaning up.


93     93/93


Yours fraternally




Love to Jane [Jane Wolfe]. It's hard to write without a secretary, esp[ecially] when weak after grippe.





1—Shoecraft was Kasimira Bass's lawyer.—Gerald Yorke.


