Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Hotel Astoria Leipzig
[Undated: circa late-July 1929]
All well here; and hopes for better luck about de M [Maria de Miramar].
We want to buy the plates of the photographs of AL from [illegible] and get the 777 plates from Hopfer [Oskar Hopfer].
Germer [Karl Germer] says you should get $600 from N.Y. during this next week. When you do, please wire me half here, and put rest to my credit at Westminster Bank.
We think of going to a Spa in Echeko for next week to get some health if we can. Germer's nerves are as bad as mine: or worse, as I'm O.K. now, but a touch of rheumatism now and then, when it's damp.
Hope to have good news from you soon. Write always to Astoria. Trying to be back 1st week in Sept.
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