Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Hotel Astoria Leipzig
31st July [1929]
Hopfer [Oskar Hopfer] has turned in the most marvellous drawings for 777. We'll make a big thing of it.
Going on to Dresden to-day, thence to Jachymoff (address later) for this fool cure.
I'll have to pay hotel by cheque and am doubtful of exact amount of balance. If you can pay in £20 pending the arrival of the $600, I shall be able to sleep.
The people here are really A.1., all genuine enthusiasts without being silly. If this reaches you before the $600 arrives, no need to wire any money, unless something new turns up. Germer [Karl Germer] may wire you to-day.
Will write again from Jachymoff.
In haste
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