Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to The Mandrake Press




18th. November, 1929.



The Mandrake Press

41, Museum Street,

London, W.C.1.



Dear Sirs:


I have received a prospectus of the Confessions of Aleister Crowley, and I should be much obliged if you would inform me if the first volume is already issues, and what remittance should be made for its delivery by registered book-post in Portugal.


I should like to have the six volumes of the entire work, by remitting separately for each volume, as soon as such volume is issued. I presume that the volumes will be alike in weight as they are in cost, and that therefore your indication of cost and postage for one will be valid for every other subsequent volume. You will please indicate, as soon as you can, the dates of issue of each.


Is The Stratagem already published? If so, I should like to add the amount in its respect to the remittance for the first volume of the Confessions.


I may add that the prospectus of yours to which I allude was received from France, but I do not know who sent it, nor what precise meaning attached to its having been sent me from France. I address you, of course, because it is your name that is on it.


I have one work of Aleister Crowley's—777—but I did not know that it was his.


Thanking you in advance for a reply at your convenience, I am


Yours faithfully,


