Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Ivy Cottage,

Knockholt, Kent



Jan. 10, 1930.



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thanks for yours of Tuesday. I take it that you are in the country this week-end, so write there.


I think the best plan for you would be to come down here on Tuesday evening, and we could go up together on Wednesday.


It appears from Stephensen's [P.R. Stephensen] report that we have got a good man with capital to replace Goldston [Edward Goldston]. He appears quite sympathetic to our programme. Stephensen is seeing him on Tuesday and the idea is for me to meet him on Wednesday.


I am dropping a not to Cope [Stuart R. Cope]. We might perhaps arrange for an interview on Wednesday. It might be possible to get him to take over the MAGIC [Magick in Theory and Practice] business. He has probably got some capital to start a new show, and if we promise him a book it might be an inducement.


I don't want to come up to town before Wednesday if I can help it, as, although I am better generally, my leg has gone back on me again.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally




