Correspondence from Israel Regardie to The American Express Co.




Messrs. The American Express Co. Inc.

6 Haymarket.

S. W. 1.



15th May. 1930.



Dear Sirs,


Reference your letter J36-DB2759, of yesterday's date, we note that two of the packages consigned to Mr. Crowley at this address, have been retained by the Customs officials for the reason that a revolver was found, together with 1/2 lb tobacco and some spirit.


Mr. Crowley asked me to explain that he was not responsible for the packing of these cases, into which the revolver has inadvertently found its way. He has no use for it, and is quite prepared to surrender it.


With regard to the 1/2 lb of tobacco, this was bought in England, and taken abroad, and this he submits is not dutiable.


With regard to the mixed spirits, on which the duty payable is, according to your letter £1. 6. 1d Mr. Crowley is quite at a loss to know what this can be. If it is merely brandy, or some intoxicating liquor, he is prepared to have it confiscated. If on the other hand is should be medicinal spirit for research purposes, he would prefer to pay the amount of duty asked, and retain it.


Perhaps you could advise him on this point.


Yours Faithfully,


