Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




Hotel Paris

Estoril (Portugal)

c/o Agencia Cook

52-4 Rua Aurea




Sept 11 [1930]



You may shew this to Yorke [Gerald Yorke].


Dear Scorpio




Not one word from any of you! I'm annoyed and worried about it, or should be but for those matters which occupy my mind still more. In fact, I've no time or inclination to do anything but the GW [Great Work] in its present forms. But I have to think about cash, and there will be a crisis on Sept 23 at the very latest unless succour arrives. I expected the John [Augustus John] to be sold before now: Hanchant [Wilfred Hanchant] (give him and Jean Gorman my love) said he could do it in a week.


The London-Brussels position of last year is now reversed, so I hope you'll work as hard now as I did then. In particular, I should like a weekly report of how things are moving.


I hope you have survived the "nature cure". My scalp is clearing up fine, but my kidneys seem worse, perhaps because of the strain of reducing etc. In any case, if I am to live, it will be a long cure, and I must have conditions of fresh air, plenty of sun and sea—and no worries. The last is very important: to spend the day in Lisbon running about means instant relapse.


I hope the Mandrake [Mandrake Press] has weathered the storm, and means to do a little publishing for a change. If my serials could be sold even for a lower figure, I should be glad, now that I am fighting for my life. It was that accursed winter in Knockholt that did me in.


 Will you ring Meyer and Mortimer in Conduit Street and ask if they have sent my knickerbocker suit out yet? It should have been here Tuesday.


I enclose key of Cabin Trunk, in case things are wanted. I hope you collected it safe from the Langham [Hotel].


I wish I could hear definitely about the Sullivan [J.W.N. Sullivan] book. All my plans depend on that.


Let me know all your news, especially if you are O.K. in health now.


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P.S. What about Marie [Maria de Miramar]?


Please send me 2 copies of Magick [Magick in Theory and Practice] by return; also 2 of the 'Legend' [The Legend of Aleister Crowley]. Wake up Yorke [Gerald Yorke]! I am especially eager to get Liber Aleph in the press.



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