Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer






[19 September 1930]



S.[outh] America is off. I must come back at once. So wire me £20 to pay bills here and expenses of journey. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] & Co. seem to be letting me down altogether. I will see Frau Ital when I reach Berlin: also Prof. Verweyen. The important news is that Pessoa [Fernando Pessoa] has a capitalist who wants to put £3,000 into "Aleister Crowley Ltd." Send him at once your version of the prospectus I left with you. Address: Apartado 147, Lissabon [sic]. Of course the £2,000 of Cora's [Cora Eaton] is to go to the same fund. How often do I have to tell you that the only thing required to bring back the bacon is to have me so well known that everything I do is a little fortune. As in the case of Bernard Shaw etc. Pessoa understands this well. What we need is an American Jew for publicity manager. As soon as I get your £20 I shall come to Berlin (by the way, Monster [Hanni Jaeger] got badly obsessed—all sorts of pathological nonsense—I sent her off to Bremen this morning. Look out for trouble your end—but don't ask for it! Act warily!).


