It is proposed to form a company to take over the assets of Aleister Crowley and attempt to exploit his works in the future.


There are approximately £20,000 worth of publications, taking them at their published price. Some of these works are standing at a substantial premium where and whenever they are obtainable. But owing to the War and the campaign of calumny which was conducted against Aleister Crowley the normal activity in publishing his works was considerably retarded.


However, there is not much doubt that if the stock bow in hand and warehoused in England was carefully marketed conjointly with the publications now being brought out by the Mandrake Press Ltd. that the full published value—if not more—would be in time realized. It is necessary, however, to make it clear that it may take some three to four years before the market could absorb such a great variety of books on such a great variety of topics.


Aleister Crowley is known throughout the world as a Poet, Mystic, and a character of startling eminence. Very few—in fact, it is doubtful if any man has had so many stories and legends, complimentary and abusing, collected around him in so short a time. This, however, simply means that from the publishing point of view he is a man who excites great interest, great antagonism, and somehow or other creates some of the wildest stories that could be gathered around any one individual.


The proposed company is to take over his assets and all the income that derives from the publication of his recent works which are being published by the Mandrake Press Ltd.


These include:


The Stratagem


The Confessions of Aleister Crowley

Golden Twigs


Up to the present moment "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley" for instance, to be issued in six volumes at two guineas per volume, has been subscribed for to such an extent that the intrinsic cost of publication will be clear profit, but Aleister Crowley Ltd receives a royalty of 15% on the total value of publication. Providing that the edition of this one particular book is sold out, a total of £1,800 guineas will be realized. In addition to this book the one likely to command the widest market if "Golden Twigs" which is a series of delightful short stories based on Sir John Frazier's "Golden Bough".


There are a number of other publications in view for which Mr. Crowley is in contrast with the Mandrake Press Ltd, and there are others which will be published separately by the new firm. Besides his own works, there are other manuscripts of which he has acquired the copyright. One in particular of these will be a pioneer in an entirely different kind of psychological literature. Copies will certainly be sold to every learned body in the world and in addition, with proper advertisement, it will catch the imagination of the public and become a "best-seller".


There is a large number of paintings of which the highest opinion is held by experts in Germany. An exhibition has already been arranged with one of the largest and most distinguished galleries in Berlin for the present winter. Such experts as P.G. Konody [Paul Konody] and Mr. Edgar of the Glaridge Galleries have expressed the opinion that even if these pictures will not be easy to sell in England, yet their value from the point of view of exhibitions is very great. It might easily be possible to make 500 a month by the sale of catalogues.


There are other assets to be exploited in other branches of commerce besides the artistic and literary. For instance, there is the copyright of a new pattern of chess-men, calculated to avoid the defects of the ordinary kind. In view of the enormously increased public interest in chess all over the world a very large revenue might be derived from this source.


Mr. Crowley is also working at the preparation of a new liqueur, which is already sufficiently well-advanced to make certain that it will be successful when perfected.


There is also the question of the dramatic and film rights of many of Mr. Crowley's works and in particular it is desired to draw attention to the fact that the serial rights of the "Confessions" could be sold in England and America for a sum approximating to £5,000. The only obstacle in this sale has been the existence of the boycott which is now being removed by the proper publicity.


There are also to be kept in mind the revenues which will accrue from the translation of Mr. Crowley's books. This branch of the business has been well started both in France and Germany.


As regards earning capacity of Aleister Crowley Ltd it is very difficult to form an estimate. The indications are that it will become colossal. Interest in the man is immense and this must inevitably reflect on his work.


For instance, an intensive study of Aleister Crowley and Einstein is proposed by an author whose name is known throughout the world, an eminent professor of scientific thought. He is of the opinion that Aleister Crowley, through the medium of MAGICK approaches cosmological problems in a way that does not differ vastly from the purely mathematical and scientific approach adopted by Einstein. The object of this gentleman's book is to show the psychological basis of both thinkers. He holds the view that Aleister Crowley is not only the most learned man on the subject of Magick, but also the most eminent man in the world to-day. No doubt, as regards the mathematical and scientific viewpoint, the majority believe that Einstein holds a similar view in his method of approach.


To sum up, there is a stock of books which has been published, and is now carefully warehoused, representing in value, providing it is carefully marketed, a total of at least £20,000. This figure must be conservative because a number of the works are, as stated above, sold at very substantial premiums. Provided the marketing is done judiciously and with business acumen, there is no reason why the stock in hand should not realize this figure.


It is proposed to form a company with a nominal capital of £10,000, £5,000 of which will be a ?? issue carrying 10% cumulative interest, plus an equal share of the profits, with 5,000 £1 Ordinary Shares, after the 5,000 £1 Ordinary Shares have received an amount equal to the 10% paid to the debenture holders. This simply means that the debenture holders get the first 10%, the Ordinary Shareholders an amount equal to the first 10%, and the profits are equally divided.


It is proposed that Aleister Crowley should be the Managing Director at a salary of £1,000 per annum, and that he turns over all his literary assets to Aleister Crowley Ltd. which would include royalties from the Mandrake Press Ltd. or any other publishing house with which he is associated, and all copyrights and income derived and derivable from any of his activities as an outstanding figure in the literary world.


In addition to Mr. Aleister Crowley as Managing Director, it is proposed to appoint three other Directors who would virtually act in the position of trustees for the debenture holders to see that their interests were adequately protected.


