Correspondence from Karl Germer to Fernando Pessoa
Oct. 24th. 1930.
Fernando Pessoa Esq. Apartado 147 Lisbon.
Dear Sir:
Thanks for yours of Oct. 20.
I am not surprised that those people have taken umbrage at your noble efforts to elucidate this appalling mystery. (Miss X◦ [Hanni Jaeger] is so glad it was not suicide after all.) For their agents were assassins! See Oxford Mail—when you get the copy I'm sending from London.
The details (not given in the paper) are interesting to the geographer. He "was walking in Spain or Italy". Thus he "got into the country"—and reached the Boca do I. There the wicked men pushed him into the "crater-like funnel"—and his corpse was washed into the Bay of Biscay!!
A message has been received from the Master, dated from the 11th circle of Hell, in which he says that your poem is "pretty bloody damn good".
Miss X◦ is thrilled about the taxi. Do let me have inside information before the terrible truth is published. And—please calculate from the Ephemeris the correct date for Easter, so that I can hire a gang of workmen to roll away the stone.
Yours sincerely
Karl Germer
[handwritten] Just read yours of Oct. 21st with the address of A.F. [Augusto Ferreira] Gomes!