Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




1A Wurzburger Strasse,


This address is now good.



die [Friday]

[Undated: circa mid November 1930]



Dear Scorpio




Your letter of Wednesday 5th.


ANU [Hanni Jaeger] sends you her love.


On no account leave Cape [Jonathan Cape publishing firm] to believe me dead. Tell him the whole story, including the Pessoa [Fernando Pessoa] book, my Duckworth proposal etc. Explain that we needed the publicity to keep my name alive, to sell serials etc; also to make a big splash exposing Spiritualism. We know it is not the best publicity; but it is all we can do without money; and we will drop all this as soon as he arranges to boost me seriously. This is important; all "serious" idiots hate this kind of stunt.


We can't get the trunk for lack of the 72 marks. (We are almost starving—Anu just gone out to pawn my Eagle! The lousy old cow won't cable New York for more money—and every day's delay will cost her more.)


Traveller's library suggestion A.1. (What about that Herald-Tribune article as an asset? Private. Saturnus [Karl Germer] stuck to the Press Cuttings—flotsam from the wreck!) DF [The Diary of a Drug Fiend] idea good—with preface on lines of "Legend" [The Legend of Aleister Crowley].


Yours of Monday 10th.


Lloyd's plan is identical with my own as urged to Saturnus for the last 2 months.


But there must be One Accessible Depot for all the stuff.


Get Gaby Dee [Gabriel Dee] to introduce the R[ich] M[an] from the W[est], offer her 5% on any capital put up for A.C. Ltd.


Yours of Wednesday 12th.


I think that if Thynne [Major Robert Thynne] realized that he was going to be prosecuted for obtaining money under false pretences he would pay out Yorke [Gerald Yorke] and Germer. I am pretty sure he has concealed resources, good at least as against such an emergency as going to quod.


Clifford Bax is good fun—"There, but for the Grace of Therion, goes Israel Regardie".


Note that Goldston [Edward Goldston] is still liable for those contracts: Note his false pretences (I have £20,000 behind me to push for your work etc) in getting me to sign on. Inky [P.R. Stephensen] may by this time have seen the light, and be willing to come out wholly for us.


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