Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie
[Undated: circa November 1930]
Dear Scorpio
Well I hope the book is as good as you say. I shall very much like to see the MS.
Thanks about Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi]. It would save lots of time if he mailed currency to me direct by registered post c/o Germer [Karl Germer]. Tell him, please. Please call at Silkes [?] 37, Old Bon Street and collect some stuff to bring out to me.
Please fix a date with me for your arrival, and I will make arrangements as best I can.
Yorke [Gerald Yorke] reports Marie [Maria de Miramar] in Swaffield Road Institution Wandsworth S.W.8. I think you should see her: I want to know about my yellow suitcase, which had some important things in it. Get her to the Menmwer's [?] Bench, too; if she owns up to everything, I might do something for her, though of course I could never condone so detestable an offence as adultery. She ought to be able to keep herself well by her embroidery. I wish I could do something useful like that. Can we get her things for her from Belsize Avenue?
Please arrange with a tobacconist living east of Regent St to send to me, to Germer, and to Louise Zschaelrssch 17 Wielandstr Berlin, plain packages of genuine Perique tobacco, medium coarse cut, 1/4 lb in each, every week. Bill to me. This is important. Bring out 1/2 lb with you too, if you don't mind.
Sorry to give you so much trouble.
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