Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Israel Regardie




1A Wurzburger Strasse,




Nov 20 [1930]



Dear Scorpio




Yours of Tuesday.


You say nothing of Duckworth [Publishers].


Is Lloyd putting you off from week to week. It's rather a trick of his.


Mrs. Hogg [Deborah Hogg]. Sexually starved and over-boisterous. A terrible jumble. A social climber. Was eager to learn Magick and to put the whole show over, but was put off by Yorke's [Gerald Yorke] insane conduct at Bandol. A few carefully veiled hints re O.T.O. might bring her in again; but she must be pledged not to bring her husband—who (Yorke says) lost his balls in the war—into it at all.


R.T. [Major Robert Thynne] £1000 cash specially put up for my work, and not one penny of it spent on that.


Cape [Jonathan Cape publishing firm]. Be careful about signing contract. There's no reason I shouldn't see it first. Glad he likes your 93. But then do simplify it down to the level of the ordinary ass.


Cash. Very tight, but hopes of floating A.C. Ltd.


Marie [Maria de Miramar]. She doesn't write me, nor do you mention her (cf Thomas Harries Bayley) Why don't you live in her flat, or has she fixed up with some man? I'm rather hopeless about everything. Snow here—



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Please Scorpio send Anu's [Hanni Jaeger] [illegible] pics.



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