Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Fernando Pessoa




Dec 14th.



Dear Friend:


Mr. Germer [Karl Germer] asks me to write a line of "expert" opinion. I never took much stock in the suicide story; for (a) the letter was not on the same paper as the envelope, (b) it was dated I 4 = Sept. 1929 e.v. not 1930, (c) I do not know the sage Tu Li Yu—but Tooley-oo is a jocose London slang for Au revoir. This letter was more likely a literary note of C.[rowley]'s, left by accident last year, and fallen into the hands of the "trackers" who "planted" it (using to its conveniently peculiar wording) to throw dust in the eyes of the police by making them look for the body there. Nor does your English detective give any adequate motives for the murder of poor M. There could only have been one, that M. knew the truth, and was threatening the "trackers".


The translation appears excellent, so far as one can judge by the sound. Hope it will be published in the Fame magazine of yours. I do hope that friend of yours will make good. The Mandrake [Mandrake Press] is bust up: we ought to buy the AC stock as we can now do at rubbish prices and the Vol III Confessions and Golden Twigs composed but not paid for. With this we can start right away for the Spring season. £3000 will be enough, even if the capital promised by others fails to materialize. But we must buy the old stuff from the Liquidators and save the expense of reprinting. Write the principal direct, under cover to Germer.


In haste




Benjamin Q. Knickerbocker


Could I get the mysterious letter?




Anu [Hanni Jaeger]


