Correspondence from Fernando Pessoa to Aleister Crowley
Apartado 147 Lisbon
13th. February, 1931.
Carissime Frater
When I wrote the other day I forgot to mention two things.
The first is that the Mouth of Hell Case had a supplementary printed move about the 10th. December. A new weekly called Girassol (Sunflower) was started then, edited by one of the best-known actors here. They approached me on that subject, suggesting that I be interviewed on any new aspect it might have, for their first issue. There was one possibly new thing—the possibility of your having been murdered. On this I accordingly based the interview, which I myself wrote out in full, so as to avoid the usual mess which reporterd and compositors get up among them. It came out quite nicely and ended on the translation of the Oxford Mailspiritistic item. Though distant, as journalistic things go, from the event, it made quite a nice new stir. The medium's innocent attribution of the murder to a Roman Catholic agent was particularly unappreciated. This issue of Girassol went out of print in a few days; that is why I cannot send you a copy yet. But I still expect to get one somehow and then I will send it.
The second thing is that the translation of the "Hymn to Pan" will be published in the January-February issue of the Coimbra Presenca. My "last Spell" was published in the No-vember-December issue. As soon as the January-February number comes out, I shall send you a copy. I think it will be out in about a week.
Love to Sister Anu [Hanni Jaeger]. Best regards to you.
Fraternally yours,
Fernando Pessoa