Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith Aleister Crowley
11 March 31
To Mega Therion
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Sorry, but I can't send the Regina [Regina Kahl], and she seems so completely satisfied that it might be even difficult to drive her away. She is getting into the magical stride at a prodigious rate, and if no mis-cue is made some thing big should occur on the outer in proportion to the inner event.
This week-end was in the nature of a climax indeed, culminating on this plane in a fire which—fortunately or unfortunately according to the point of view—destroyed your letter to her and a photo with superinscription. However, as no alien element should intrude however pure in itself, I am of the opinion that it was all to the good.
Pan's most benign influence is being showered upon me at this period, so that I am very busy keeping three little yonis, with prospects of two more in the offing. Have patience, and maybe the time is not far distant when I shall join you with a company of at least partially initiated priestesses. Don't take umbrage if however I should have a favourite who does not herself elect to be more than looked upon by another than myself. However this is speculation, and more often than not change is as good as a rest.
Saturday afternoon there was a preliminary bout with Leona [Leona Watson]. This at the moment is in a very uncertain stage, but unless I can get hold of the vitals of the lady, I shall not be able to do much for her. However, though I feel sure there is somewhat for me to do for the lady, the main job may be for other hands, etc. She ought to suit you being Titian haired. She has some excellent qualifications and some dangerous ones besides, which will need careful handling.
Both Regina and Leota have signed A∴A∴ and O.T.O. pledges. Saturday a week ago I put on Minerval in the rough in my apartment for Regina and Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi].
Of course we are all stuck for money but feel sure the condition will break suddenly and we shall all be able to get together. Jane [Jane Wolfe] of course is still the same dear old Jane.
Love is the law, love under will.