Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer
[11 October 1931]
Silly of me, I forgot to mention last night that the people who are coming to dine with us on Monday [Margo and Marcellus Schiffer] want to see what has already been done. So could you lend me a set of the Thelema Verlag booklets.
It would of course be as well that we should be able to give them something to eat, and that we should pay the electric light bill; so please do what you can. these are real business people—I know them as friends of Enger's [Leon Engers Kennedy] brother-in-law and waste no time. We may least get a provisional agreement signed within 24 hours.
P.S. Please ring up at once when you get this.
P.S. after the show. The von Alvenslebens [Werner von Alvensleben] are making an evening party for me—hope [Albert] Einstein will come. I want to preach the Law.
Also bright young journalist will introduce film magnates. You have to rush ammunition up to us front line trenches! Do sink everything but the Great Work! Nothing else ought to count for one minute. No matter how badly one is wounded, one ought to fight to the last cartridge, and then use the butt. It is the last shot that wins the battle.