Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
[Undated: 24 October 1931]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Hear you got to Hamburg. Cora [Cora Germer] rang up. On reverse is the Budget. On Nov 15 Rent is again due—and we'll need money to live on. The above is optimistic—allow nothing for accidents. There is also the question of collecting pictured on Nov 6.
We got a very severe reaction after you left. Bill's [Bertha Busch] nerves are really in a bad way: I hope you'll drop her a line of encouragement.
The Yi [King] gives [Hexagram] IV for my letter to Willett; but I shall consider deeply first, and I am not in good shape for the moment. Dennes (of course) had to wire you the cash instead of me. I wired him to transfer.
93 93/93
In haste.
P.S. Bill out at dentist: said send you love.
I read through your Desert letters.
You are a man.
Also, they were excellent reading—quite publishable stuff: prob [?] you weren't trying.
93 93/93
Till Nov 15.
Balance R.M. 315. (Note 2 doubtfuls in C2.