Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Karlsruherstrasse 2. Berlin-Halensee.
[Undated: circa 22 November 1931]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Bill [Bertha Busch] is a pretty sick girl. I began to think she must have gastritis or even a beginning of gastric ulcer. So I called in a bloke last night: he confirms my diagnosis, adding a few well-chosen words about her gall-bladder.
He wanted to cart her off to a nursing home right away; but of course this is impossible as things are. In any case I disagree. The general upset of life, the feeling of being among strangers etc more than counterbalance the alleged 'perfect rest' of the Klinik.
Well, I've got to take my daily walk to Bro. Joseph now; shall call on Schiffers [Margo and Marcellus] on the way to get Mrs. S. to do a bit of the nursing.
Bill is not a good patient; bad when ill for the very reason that she's so good when well.
I think personally that a couple of days strict adherence to diet would put her right. If she won't, I don't know what next.
Of course no business till she's better. It's all very trying; but then, one has to be tried—what are we out for anyway?
No other news.
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If things come to a crises I'll wire you.