Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Karlsruherstrasse 2.




Dec 3 [1931].



C[are] F[rater]




After its unprecedented run "No, No, Nanette" has taken off very suddenly indeed; and the talented producer has put on: "Yes Bill, thank you kindly, madam!"

     In brief, [Karl Germer] has come here to stay!!! Bill [Bertha Busch] is very sweet to him, doesn't mind his complaining of the bed, has got in some "Danish bottles" [?], and is washing his socks. All very touching!


It's impossible to give you a bulletin of how things are going, as the situation changes daily—but always in the direction of greater complexity.


You have no conception of how bad things are here—especially now cold and fog have set in earnestly. Something seems sure to break. For us: well, here's one example. Frau Schiffer [Margo Schiffer] had been "at" a rich man who sent his wife to Switzerland a month ago. And yesterday she found that the wheel had turned the wrong way, and he was utterly busted. So one cannot bet on anything. It is even doubtful whether Krako [Jacques Krako] is not in the rapido [?]! However, the only plan is "work your bloody guns!" (The atmosphere is getting ripe for more poets again)


Stewart is a lawyer here, with his German partner in London. You will probably hear in a day or two from one of them. The questions are two (α) the Settlement Proposal (β) the Divorce.


Did you see Nick [Lieutenant Colonel John Carter] , and pacify his wrath? The job I really want is to travel India for the [illegible]. And I could.


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Bill sends her love: will write herself when she has a moment to spare.


