Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




[Undated: circa March 1932]



The New Campaign


Send Raphael's Ephemeris at once.


Send 1/4 lb. Perique in two plain packages on March 21, one to me, one to I.W.E. [Martha Küntzel].


Find out the exact position as to Lulu Zaza's [Lola Zaza Crowley] settlement of her share of the Trust Fund.


Pay and sort out Amexco stuff. N.B. Buckskin breeches urgently wanted. Try also Esher stuff for this. Send at once when found.


Remember that another man may be able to do easily what to you appears impossible: so have no fear in urging any man who may possibly be capable to do it.


Cultivate punctuality and accuracy. Get Green to set you daily tests in this: the main idea, to perform a set of quite purposeless acts with extreme care and devotion. [illegible] your scepticism about the practice by an act of [illegible].


Don't read Eddington also and read schoolbooks on mathematics and physics and chemistry till you get properly grounded.


Wire Bismark 8876 [illegible] Magick [Magick in Theory and Practice]. Cope [Stuart R. Cope of the Lecram Press]  must be got to send 40 sets for review to a selected list of [news]papers. Slips must be pasted in each copy giving Cope's [illegible] as publisher, the price etc.


This is most urgent: copies should go out by March 31.


Approach Holt of Duckworth [publishers] re my book on Berlin. Work him up with tales of suicide, burglary, stabbing, wild love affairs etc enough to get him to ask me for synopsis. He must understand that my terms are £100 down in advance of royalties of 12 1/2 per sent rising to 20 per cent as may be arranged. Try Ethel Mannin's publisher.


