Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
May 8 [1932].
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Yours re Rose [Rose Kelly]. If you can get the £50 at once, say by Tuesday to reach me Wed. a.m. it will probably postpone the crisis for a month. But £50 has simply got to come from some source.
The trouble now is also health. Both Lubinsky and Etter say I'm for the Abbey in very short order unless things are done at once with great vigour. I rather agree: I've been abusing my will-power to fight against these auto-intoxications.
(Dr. Horsch has just run through to Rosenfeld about Mortaldello: so we may have some good news by about Thursday.)
Bill [Bertha Busch] is better all round. I saw Nijinsky myself; a good man, and will fix her if anyone can. If she's not right in a couple of months, perhaps we'd better rip out the peccant egg-basket.
Yours of Friday.
It is really too boring to have you keep on bleating that brilliant idea about a monthly contribution from every member of the Order. It has been tried again and again; the only [illegible] has been Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi].
You are right in supposing that by any means the Gods will let you out. It's time that Abraham spied a "ram caught in the thicket by its horns," but not until he had tied Isaac on the altar, and "raised the knife to slay him." It is your eternal dodging that won't do.
You must do as I said: Borrow from pals to carry on till August, bring in your writ, and come here to take a special training. It is no sense my giving you the Operation when you are still so clearly unfitted to perform it. It would be simply your destruction. If you had only gone far enough to know a little about Abramelin demons, you would understand better. My own great advantage was that I had personal experience with I.A. [Iehi Aour - Allan Bennett] and V.N. [Volo Noscere - George Cecil Jones] from the start, living and working with them daily.
Constructive scheme follows on a separate sheet.
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