Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
May 13 [1932].
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
Medical Report.
Bill [Bertha Busch] had got steadily better, and started her diathermy treatment. Your letter caused violent vomiting and collapse. She pulled herself by ether, despite severe pain, to talk a famous art critic into writing an article on me, and succeeded. As soon as he was gone she was again seized with attacks of vomiting, continuous for hours.
Judicial comment.
I wish I had it in my power to order you a heavy dose of the "Cat".
Barclay's Bank.
The Dresden Bank here made some technical [illegible], but the cheque will probably be presented on Tuesday May 17. See to it that RM 290 is covered. I don't know the present rate.
Business notes.
Long friendly letter from Walker. He acquits you of the Hamilton [Gerald Hamilton] charge: Mrs. W's fault to write rot.
Dr. Horsch favourably impressed by Mortaldello: urgent to arrange meeting with Reinhardt. Impossible even to see Dr. Horsch, being utterly penniless.
Hans Weber, important publisher, wants to call here after Whitsun to consider general contract for all my translations. May be difficult to arrange if telephone (as expected) is cut off on Tuesday 17th.
Dr. [illegible] to write article on pictures—as above: He took the photographs and other material.
Bill pawned coat and ring once more to enable us to eat over Whitsun.
Your letter.
It is true that you have said and written many base and cowardly things. But also you pledged your word again and again to come in. In particular, about borrowing cash from pals to carry on, it was the very last thing you said on the platforms. I am afraid that only a dose of the "Cat" (V.S.) can bring you to a sense of what Men (sorry if my language is incomprehensible) know as Honour.
A.C. Business Proposal
1. A syndicate to be formed of A.C., G.J.Y. [Gerald Yorke], and one or more other persons.
The basis of this is that G.J.Y. is able to say "I am putting all my own money into it—and that at great sentimental cost: otherwise it's just a 'touch' and impresses nobody. (we shall have to induce Cora [Cora Germer] to leave her £1000 in it; she would doubtless do this gladly if assured that things were being worked right at last, especially if sweetened with say £200.). Bit do your stuff, and you'll put yourself over. . . .
2. The syndicate to concentrate for the present on
(a) The Sullivan Book [about Crowley] (b) Such books as Little Essays Toward Truth and Liber Aleph might be proffered to publishers (c) Mortadello, the Three Wishes, stories etc on the Rosenfeld plan (d) The Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] (both full and condensed)
Sorry I'm too ill to finish this properly, but you'll get the idea. Must catch post.