Correspondence from Dion Fortune to Israel Regardie
Fraternity of Inner Light (Western Esoteric Tradition) 3. Queensborough Terrace, Bayswater, London, W.2.
Nov. 1st. 1932.
Dear Mr. Regardie,
I am so sorry not to have answered your letter before. At the time it came I was away doing some occult work, and then, of course, everything got left; and since I have been home there have been arrears to catch up with.
Riders [publishers] have just sent me both your books with the request that I will do an article on them, and this I am now at work on. I think very highly of both the books, and especially of 'The Tree of Life.' It is quite the best book on magic, in my opinion, not excepting either Crowley or Levi [Eliphas Levi]. I think it is an exceedingly fine piece of work.
I am sorry there is no chance of meeting you in the near future: I think a talk would have been very interesting. Ceremonial magic is a matter that especially interests me, and we are well equipped both here and at our Glastonbury centre for doing it. Glastonbury is particularly interesting for workings, as our place is on the side of the Tor, the 'Hill of Vision'. Perhaps some time you will be able to visit us there.
I judge from the correspondences given in 'The Garden of Pomegranates' that you are using the old 'Golden Dawn System', which is the one I use myself. I think it is far and away the best. Crowley gives it away in 777, but I have also got the Mathers [MacGregor Mathers] MSS to check it by.
I myself am doing some work on the Tree of Life, and it is coming out serially in my little magazine. I should much value your opinion on it, and will send it to you as far as it has gone if you would care to see it, and would do me the kindness to comment on it. It is a subject that requires very careful counterchecking, it is so easy to make a slip in the correspondences.
With every good wish for the success of your book,
Yours sincerely,
Dion Fortune