Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Max and Leota Schneider
[9 January 1933]
Meanwhile, Wilfred's [Wilfred Talbot Smith] place [1746 N. Winona Ave.] is coming on. It is interesting to see what each week contributes. It can only move on as he gets a bit from his bi-monthly salary to purchase the wherewithall. Jacobi [Oliver Jacobi] gave 10 dollars, and that helped! In November [1932] it was started. First the floor had to be laid, the the sides boarded up to the rafters; these stained brown, the rafters stained grey. Then one week the main altar, again the dais on which it rests, then the veil to draw across the altar, the tiny altar and the font, the tomb in the West; last week 6 candlesticks, making 14 in all (There must be 22). The next step is the corners on each side of the dais. We are like kids when each addition takes its destined place in the Temple, and gamble and gurgle with glee. Each Sunday we give the ritual twice. Wilfred Priest, Jacobi and [John M.] Bamber alternating as deacon, Regina [Regina Kahl] and I alternating as priestess. After Bamber and Jacobi have learned the deacon thoroughly Smith will have them learn the priest also. We want to give the Mass [Gnostic Mass] publicly as soon as possible.