Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[Undated: circa late March 1933]
I lost your address in some confusion here, so sent the Word [of the Equinox] etc to you via Jacoby [Oliver Jacobi]. I am very glad indeed that all has gone so well. But I should not bother with the O.T.O. stuff: you ought to concentrate absolutely on the Mass [Gnostic Mass] until we get enough money for a decent H.Q. Remember that even one man or woman may be enough to work the whole show. You can argue—see what we can do in public: that's nothing! Start us an Initiation Scheme—etc etc.
Love to 156 [Jane Wolfe] and Vagina [Regina Kahl] and Jacobi and Uncle Bill Smithkins and all!
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