Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[On the paper of The Queens Hotel. Leicester Square.]
9 July [1933]
Yours of June 23. This is a hell of a let down! You wrote of 80 and again of 100 people at the Mass [Gnostic Mass]; and now its 17-6 = 11! And you don't seem to have any idea of the technique of getting money for a cause.
I don't see any chance of getting to you in October, or any other time, unless you raise the cash. You miss the point that if you raise it over there, you lay up the whole place to expectation—"What are we going to get for our money?" and they go all out to tell their friends what fine folk they are, and what sacrifices they have made, and how wonderful it all is—and then I turn up and say "Christ! what a crowd of mutts!" and they all cry "Master! Master!" and the whole world rings with the Message.
I'm tired!
93 93/93
Love to all. But do get lots of photos of the Mass.