Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley




23 June 33.



To Mega Therion






You will be heartily welcomed by all in the fall, but this is all I can say now; for I cannot yet see how we shall get the funds for your trip. . . .


In re lance and pewter mugs; it is curious that for the past many months I have been very quiescent in respect to their mundane and sublime use. A little to the discomfort of the priestess—who has, nevertheless, been staying at home.


I am pleased with the progress of the Mass [Gnostic Mass] as far as its performance is concerned, and the little Temple we have fixed up, furnishings as well, I believe fulfill your expectations. Your vision of the attendance has, however run ahead of our present accomplishments. Seventeen is the greatest number we have had at one time attending the Mass; six of these ourselves, exclusive of the P[riest] [Wilfred Talbot Smith] P[riestess], [Regina Kahl] and D[eacon] [Oliver Jacobi]. Also to date only four or five of the outsiders have partaken of the sacrament. While the outsiders have been a fair sample, they are not able to give material support. I cannot stoop to nickel and dime collections, nor dollar for that matter. I am waiting for much bigger fish.


But for Regina [Kahl] and Leota's [Leota Schneider] careful shopping we could not keep the household going on my small pittance, John and Max's [Max Schneider] contribution. I can do more than most on a few dollars, also my mechanical ability make up for lack of intellect when it comes to fixing an attic into a Temple etc.


Max, Roland and John have a streak of inertia. Regina and Leota know how to work. My faults? Well, they say I drive and wear them down. Seeing that most people I have met dislike me it is rather remarkable that this crowd seem fond of me, notwithstanding Regina's occasional remark that she feels like "killing me at times".


I have a notion that I have a definite job and I am doing my best to keep things going here as a start. We just must not let this break up, as everything else has done in the past. The Mass and the O.T.O. just on paper is not enough. We must DO them. And this seems to me more important than the progress of the individual just now, or I might say his progress depends on DOING.


Having been twice in my life entirely without funds I know what you have been through, in your case the suffering is probably intensified by your having experienced affluence the like of which I never knew. Sorry I could not help, but I have got to keep things going here.


By the way a Mr Nick Bolan has written music for the Mass, we have yet to make multigraph copies. It is not a Wagner masterpiece, but he has caught the spirit and it is better than the selections of published music, and will serve until a greater comes along.


Magick [Magick in Theory and Practice] arrived, but Lord knows how I shall dispose of them. Three sets are still unsold of those received years ago, two with a bookseller and one set here.


All send their love. The spare room is now termed "Crowley's room", and when anyone misbehaves, some on generally remarks, "I'll tell Crowley".


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