Correspondence from Regina Kahl to Aleister Crowley




13 Aug 33



Dear 666


I don't know how you judge devotion to a cause, but by your letter to Jake [Oliver Jacobi], I take it it's by a dollar and cent basis. If there's one thing I hate about this age of commercialism and ballyhoo it is that gilt [sic] complex and I don't give a damn who manifests it—it's still the shits! If there is no other thing bred in the breathern [sic] of the House of Thelema in Los Angeles there is loyalty to our head here and a devotion to the Master Therion—but when he gets the big idea that we are all sitting on our arses doing nothing he is mistaken and in my very best American slang "and how".


You can jolly well bet we are not doing a christly lot of ballyhooing. We are leaving that to Amy MacPherson and her kind. Being born in this country of hot air and big noise, bluff and bull shit I prefer to have no part of that sort of propaganda.


Personally, and for Leota [Leota Schneider], Jake, and Wilfred [Wilfred Talbot Smith] especially, and the others as well as they can, all are doing what can be done to put what we all consider the greatest work of the age by the greatest genius, to a mass of people who are suffering for the need of a new Ethics, true morality, sane values and spiritual outlook. This is not to be done overnight by a publicity campaign ala Bob Schuler method. The whole country is fed up to the gills on this crap now, we can only hope to succeed by loyalty and tenacity.


I pray God we can get you here soon, am sure the time is ripe and still I would like to beat the hell out of you and may use a horse whip when I see you. I love you devotedly never-the-less. Now kick me out of the Order if you like, but you will still find me hanging on the tail of the A A [AA] kite.


93     93/93


Fraternally and with Love.


