Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Talbot Smith
An 17
[29 September 1933]
Thanks much for yours of Sept 14. You have not taken my advice about Spelling (It is no use arguing Not at prenest [sic]! and to your groupe [sic]!: it is distructive [sic] to you.)
I have been too helpless to keep you properly in touch with the situation. Roughly, within three weeks I shall either be smashed as far as England is concerned, or emerge triumphant, and in a position to bring the Scarlet Woman [Pearl Brooksmith] out to California, probably on our private yacht of 26,000 tons.
Everything depends on this, to such an extent that it is quite useless to make any plans at all until the issue has been fought out.
I enclose the Word Word [of the Equinox], which please send out, as usual with my love and blessings upon all.
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