Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Isidore Kerman
21 Upper Montagu St. W.1.
[Undated: circa mid June 1934]
(Mrs. Carter at the Metropole [illegible] till Wednesday morning)
Dear Kerman,
I cannot properly express my deep appreciation of the way in which you have saved the pass. I hope you will let me make up the missing lunch one day very soon.
I think that you may hear again from Waterhouse. My terms would be (a) a public withdrawal of all imputations against me in "Laughing Torso" (b) payment of our costs in full (c) £5000 damages.
I feel sure that their Mr. Harper will urge this on them most melodiously!
I hope to hear from you on Wednesday about the warrant for Eddie Cruse and Betty May.
Mrs. Brooksmith [Pearl Brooksmith] joins me in warmest gratitude.
Yours sincerely,
Aleister Crowley.