Correspondence from Pearl Brooksmith to Wilfred Talbot Smith




21 Upper Montagu Str.



12 Aug 34







Many thanks for the draft you sent last month. I came in just at the moment when we literally didn't know where the next penny was coming from to buy food. As you know The Beast has a terrible amount of expense lately with both the civil and criminal trials—every penny we could raise has gone into them—anyhow I now think the tide is turning and his enemies will be vanquished completely in about six months time. Meanwhile he has to live, so we should be terribly grateful for any draft that you can send along. You know that he is appealing against both convictions. The last one at the Old Bailey was simply a 'frame-up' but I think his enemies there have just overstepped the mark and I sincerely hope (tho' I probably shouldn't) that we shall get them shortly for perjury. Anyhow will let you know how things progress. Of course (or rather while waiting) for the appeals to be heard no publisher will touch the Beast's books as they are frightened of the Courts so no money can be made and the Beast is really in a very bad way financially.


From your letter you seem to be having a pretty stiff time yourself. This money question is the devil isn't it? The Beast had hoped to come out and see you in the fall—but unless some miracle happens I'm afraid it won't be possible. At the moment everything is in the lap of the Gods. So we hope on!


The Beast himself is not too well—I think all the worry of the last nine months is telling on him—but he is so perfectly white and true ? that shortly things will go right for him. All these d----d jackals sniffing at his hocks drive me crazy—but being cunning devils one has to fight them on their own ground—But we will succeed sometime or other. What he has done for me I can never repay—and may add that I admire you people on the other side of the water for doing the same and sticking up for him when most of the world are against him.


Yours fraternally


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SC [Scarlet Woman]


