Correspondence from M.A. Jacobs & Sons to Aleister Crowley
M.A. Jacobs & Sons, Solicitors. 73 & 74 Jermyn Street, St. James's, London, S.W.1.
16th November, 1934.
E. A. Crowley Esq., 9, Carlos Place, London, W.1.
Dear Sir,
With reference to the Writ issued by us against you herein, and our letter to you of the 14th inst., as you failed to keep the appointment named therein, we have to inform you that our clerk will call again for the purpose of serving the said Writ upon you, at 9, Carlos Place, London, W.1., on Tuesday next, the 20th inst. at 11 a.m., and we have to warn you that if you fail to keep this appointment, we shall, without any further delay, apply to the Court for an Order granting Substituted Service of the Writ herein by advertisement or otherwise as the Court may direct.
We enclose a copy of the Writ herewith. If you prefer to do so, you may, or course, instruct a Solicitor to accept service on your behalf.
Yours faithfully,
M.A. Jacobs & Sons.