Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Carrie May Dinsmore
14 April [1935]
Dear Mrs. Dinsmore.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Mr. Schnieder [Max Schneider] has sent me a copy of your letter to him of Feb 7; I am very much touched by your expression of good will and your generous thought for the welfare of the Work. I feel that I ought not to feel ashamed to tell you quite frankly that at the present moment it is being terribly hampered by lack of funds, owing to the conspiracy against it. My own earning capacity, normally about 25,000 dollars a year or more, is practically nil. The very smallest additions to income are most welcome. A very few hundred dollars would at the present juncture enable me to smash the enemy once and for all, and their disgrace would lift us to success on the crest of a wave of popular sympathy and indignation. If therefore, you can in any way spare anything at the present time, you would contribute very usefully to the victory.
I should of course hasten to repay you from the first spoils and further be enabled to take a really practical interest in your own contribution to Progress. One reason for my writing this letter is that I have had an intimation from a certain sacred source that a person whose description corresponds rather closely to yours is to be expected to give the necessary extra push to the Work in the immediate future.
I hope,, dear Mrs. Dinsmore, that now the ice is broken, we may communicate directly to great pleasure and profit. If you are at any time in need of counsel or assistance, you may rely on me entirely to the limit of my power.
I have long wished to revisit California, and shall do so as soon as circumstances make it possible; that is, the moment that Victory perches on my battle-scarred banners. And then I hope we may meet.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fraternally yours
P.S. If you should be able to send me a bank draft, please address it to E. A. Crowley (no title), and state clearly in your covering letter that it is sent to me in Trust for use of the O.T.O., and not in any way for my personal use and benefit.